A Holocaust documentary. A testimony to what happened

“My greatest disappointment is that I believe that those of us who went through the war and tried to write about it, about their experience, became messengers. We have given the message, and nothing changed.” – Elie Wiesel


TORONTO. May 7, 2024. – In honouring the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and the courage of survivors and rescuers, in their name and in the name of Israel, we remember them. Irrespective of where we live, no country, no citizen, in yesteryear or today distracts us from defiantly standing up and being proud of our religion and heritage. As Jews, we are all members of one family, an extended family beyond doubt, living in many lands, but a family through and through. We are one people. –Alan L. Simons

Warning! Not for the faint-hearted. A film narrated by Trevor Howard.

On April 15, 1945, The British and Canadian armies entered the gates of Bergen-Belsen.

“One of the most powerful films Alfred Hitchcock worked on was lost and forgotten for almost 70 years. A Holocaust documentary. A testimony to what happened. German Concentration Camps Factual Survey was made in 1945. The film, commissioned by the British Ministry of Information, was to be a “lesson for all mankind.” It documented the atrocities British troops found in Bergen-Belsen and other Nazi camps upon liberation. They filmed what they saw: Mountains of bodies, mass graves, skeletal survivors. Hitchcock was the ‘treatment advisor’ for the film. He was determined to leave no doubt of the brutality and reality of the camps. The film, however, was never shown to the public. As the British government focused on a policy of reconciliation in Europe… All these years later, it stands true to what it was intended to be. A testimony to what happened.”  –World Jewish Congress.

In 1985 PBS Frontline advised us they “reconstituted the film as closely as possible to what they believed the producers intended. They made it as a document to serve our collective memory.”

The film contains explicit scenes of the Holocaust.  You are advised!

Full credit for the following link is given to PBS/Frontline.♦


The above article also appeared simultaneously in Substack

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